Having this interest to understand Bhutan’s drive towards achieving high Gross National Happiness as opposed to simply the increase of GDP. Partly because of Minister Heng’s call for the focus on Values and Character-building in schools.
Our nation may pride itself for efficiency but it is a goal easily achieved in a corruption-free state (with high penalty imposed) that thrives on meritocracy (exponential level of reward). When appraisal looks into all the quantitative results, it is not difficult to come up with policies that drive the economy.
On the other hand, the measurement of happiness is subjective. In Bhutan’s case, it was reported that the country has a Gross National Happiness Commission, chaired by the Prime Minister, which screens all new policy proposals put forward by government ministries. If a policy is found to be contrary to the goal of promoting gross national happiness, it is sent back to the ministry for reconsideration. Without the commission’s approval, it cannot go ahead.
One teacher friend, however, was more optimistic: “at least we get to educate the next generation of parents, who will in turn coach their children the right values.”
[See the article here]
Can we set up a similar National Hao Gong Min Commission, chaired by someone whom the nation would regard as one who is “flawless in character”. And no policy would pass through this commission unless it builds good values and character of the population?
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